Friday 10 May 2013

Thirty days of Pilates starts on Monday...

"I totally love Mondays", said no-one, ever.


But for all their flaws (namely: not being a weekend day, and being too closely situated to amazing weekend days to avoid comparison), Mondays are good for starting things. So this Monday, I'll be starting a 30 day exploration of Pilates, and would love for you to come with me. There will be exercise ideas, thoughts on how we can take what we learn in Pilates from the mat into everyday life, and the results of many Google searches for people doing weird, wonderful and inspiring Pilates type stuff.

So grab a mat and come and join me!

And if you can't wait for Monday, here's a completely serious woman talking about the benefits of Pilates for dogs. Yes really. And no, the rest of this blog will not contain animal videos, I promise.

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