Sunday 19 May 2013

Day 6: Shoulders and upper back

After an unscheduled break over the weekend (featuring a fabulous wedding and no Pilates whatsoever), Thirty Days of Pilates is getting back on track with a blitz on the shoulders and upper back to get you set up for Monday. 

It will come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever worked at a computer or engaged in a lengthy Angry Birds sesh on their phone that a hunched forward position can lead to pain. So read on if you look like this for eight hours a day:

The first thing to do if you are sitting like our boney friend above is to sort out how you set up your work station – your computer screen should be at eye-level, to encourage you to keep your neck straight. There’s plenty more advice on this kind of stuff here:

In terms of back-extending and shoulder-mobilising exercises to counteract the strain, try these beauties: 

Breaststroke: one of my absolute favourite Pilates exercises – it feels great through your shoulders and upper (thoracic) spine. Lie on your front and reach your arm out in front of you. Lift your arms, head and chest slightly off the ground, reaching your arms forward in your best Superman impersonation. Keep your legs down on the mat (they can be together or slightly apart if that’s more comfortable). Circle your arms round to your sides, lifting your head and chest higher off the mat as you do so. Then bend your elbows and reach your arms forward again, as if you’re diving into water. Stay hovering off the mat, and contracting your abs, pelvic floor and glutes so you don’t put too much strain on your lower back. Your gaze should stay down towards the ground so you don’t overextend your neck. Repeat 10 times - video tutorial here:

Side bend: this is a really nice way of getting some lateral flexion into your spine. Start by sitting with your legs folded to one side, in the position in the photo below. Your feet, hips and hand should be in one line. Lift your hips off the mat, resting on your shin and hand. Remember it’s not a side plank – you’re trying to lift your top hip as high up as you can, so your body forms an arch shape. Repeat 3 times on each side – video tutorial here:

Obliques Roll Back: another of my favourite, great for getting some rotation and flexion into the spine. Start sitting up tall on your sitbones, with your shoulders down away from your ears, your collarbones wide and your arms outstretched in front of you. Roll down onto the back of your pelvis (sacrum) and curve through your spine to create a ‘C’ shape, keeping your feet on the mat. Pull in through your abs, and pull up on the pelvic floor. Then rotate round to the side with one arm, twisting through your torso and following the hand with your eye-line. Rotate back to centre and come back to a tall seated position. Repeat on the other side, in a smooth, flowing movement following your breath: exhale to go back, inhale to come back to the start position. Repeat 10 times on each side. Video tutorial here:

Side leg lift #5: ‘the banana’ (or ‘performing seal’ as a client rather accurately described it last week) is great for using the muscles around your shoulder and armpit. Start by lying on your side in one straight long line, with your top arm resting on your thigh, and your bottom arm extended out away from you, with the palm face down, planted on the mat. Exhale to lift your legs up off the mat and push into your grounded hand and forearm, lifting your armpit away from the mat. Pull up through your armpit and balance here for a few breaths. Repeat 3 times on each side.

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